Berberis aquifolium
English: Oregon Grape
Sanskrit/Indian: Oregon Grape
Russian: Магония падуболистная

General information:
This is a tall shrub, native of the western section of the United States. It grows from Colorado to the Pacific Ocean, and is especially abundant in Oregon and the northern part of California.
Berberis aquifolium is a shrug having stems about 6 feet high, erect, and of rapid growth. The leaves are alternate and consist of 3 or 4 pairs of leaflets, and an odd one. They are evergreen, coriaceous, bright and shining upon the upper surface, and very ornamental; hence, the shrub is frequent in cultivation, often under the improper name "holly." The leaflets are smooth, ovate, from 2 to 3 inches long, and one-half as wide. They are acute, sessile, pinnately veined, and the margin is indented with from 15 to 30 repand spiny teeth. The lower pair of leaflets is from 1 to 2 inches distant from the base of the common petiole. The flowers are numerous, small, yellowish-green, and appear in early spring, borne in fascicled, terminal racemes. The calyx has 9 distinct sepals, colored like the petals and disposed in 2 rows, the outer of which consists. of 3 sepals (bracts?). The petals are 6, distinct, orbicular, and in rows of 3 each. The stamens are also 6, and opposite the petals; they have irritable filaments, and extrorse anthers, opening, each by 2 little valves, hinged at the top. The fruit, which is known as "Oregon grape," is a cluster of purple berries, each containing an agreeably acid pulp, and from 3 to 9 seeds.
Berberis aquifolium contains berberine, a yellow alkaloid, berbamine, and oxyacanthine, both white alkaloids, and phytosterin, gum, and sugar. The flowers contain, in addition to the above alkaloids, volatile oil, and the berries contain malic acid.
- Oregon grape has been used in the treatment of chronic skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. The beneficial effects associated with Oregon grape are mainly due to the high levels of isoquinoline alkaloids present, particularly berberine.
- ANTI-BIOTIC - Possibly the most important and celebrated property of berberine is its anti-biotic activity, being effective against a broad range of bacteria, protozoa and fungi. Berberine has shown efficacy against Chlamydia, E. coli, Salmonella typhi, Vibrio cholerae, Diplococcus pneumoniae, Shigella dysenteriae, and Candida Albicans and many more. Berberine's action against some of these pathogens is actually stronger than that of antibiotics commonly used for these foreign invaders. Berberine's action in inhibiting Candida, as well as pathogenic bacteria, prevents the spreading of a yeast that is a common side effect of antibiotic use.
- ANTI-INFECTIVE - Berberine has demonstrated the ability to prevent bacterial adhesion to the host cells as well as its direct antibiotic effects. The berberine alkaloid of Oregon grape has been shown to inhibit the attachment of group -A streptococci to the lining of the throat. Berberine also offers benefits in cases of bladder infections, working best in an alkaline urine.
- IMMUNO-STIMULATORY ACTION - Berberine has been shown to increase the blood supply to the spleen, promoting optimal activity in filtering the blood and releasing compounds that potentiate immune function. Berberine also activates macrophages the cells that engulf and destroy bacteria, viruses, tumour cells, and other undesirable matter. This effect on the blood supply classes berberine-containing plants as 'blood purifiers'.
- FEVER-LOWERING ACTIVITY - Berberine containing plants are suitable in lowering fevers, as they appear to enhance the immune system's ability to handle fever-producing compounds produced by micro organisms.
- ANTI-DIARRHEAL - A number of clinical studies have shown success in the treatment of acute diarrhoea. Berberine is effective in treating the majority of common intestinal infections, with results as good if not better than standard anti-biotic treatment. Along with the anti-microbial effects, berberine also blocks the action of toxins produced by certain bacteria, commonly experienced in diarrhoea caused by enterotoxins, cholera and traveller's diarrhoea.
- LIVER SUPPORT - Berberine has been shown to stimulate the secretion of bile and bilirubin, and to correct metabolic abnormalities in patients with liver cirrhosis.